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The four facets of agility: a foundation for successful transformation

This in-depth eBook goes beyond basic box-ticking and outlines a holistic approach to agile, helping you change your state of mind and transform your organisation.
The four facets of agility

Not just another agile think piece

With a constant flow of consultancy whitepapers cluttering up the cloud, Adaptavist’s slice of agile acuity stands apart. The four facets encourage productive, purposeful dialogue around the various aspects of becoming an agile organisation. It’s so much more than the basic ‘people, processes, and tools’ conversation that others are having.
I want people to be happy when they show up for work. Respect for people is really what’s at the heart of agile and why we work so hard to help organisations shift their thinking.
Heidi Araya
Agile Transformation Leader

What you’ll learn:

  • What is agile and why is it so important?
  • Why agile transformations fail – the common pitfalls and how to avoid them.
  • A detailed look at all four facets: complexity thinking, people and leadership, technical and cultural practices, and tools and automation.
  • Key questions to ask before you pick an agile framework.
  • The most useful tools and practices, and the culture shift required to make the most of them.
  • How Adaptavist helps organisations through agile mentoring and coaching.

Download the Four Facets of Agility eBook