Culturally speaking
There’s a reason
75 percent of DevOps initiatives fail to meet expectations. It’s not so much problems with processes or tech, but issues around organisational learning and change. It’s a culture problem, often brought about by leadership imposing practices on employees without giving them the support and understanding they need to transition to this new way of working.
It’s vital that your teams know why they’re being expected to change and how doing so will make their jobs easier. They need to understand the underlying thinking and benefits DevOps can bring. With that in mind, here are some top tips for building buy-in and transforming your culture.
1. Arm teams with information
Knowledge is empowering and enables your people to learn the whats and whys of DevOps. Think about different levels of understanding and resistance across the organisation, and know that people will come around at their own pace. Sharing actionable insights, which people can apply to their own work, or building a DevOps simulation experience, helps them learn by doing.
2. No sudden movements
Approach DevOps as a gradual change, allowing employees to merge slowly at the team level and redefine their roles. Implementing new practices one team at a time will help people realise the possibilities, unearth the pitfalls, and find fixes – they can share their learnings with the wider organisation as they go.
3. Talk to each other
Communication is a big part of doing DevOps right. Teams should feel empowered to share information with each other and work much more collaboratively than before. Think about how your tools might hinder organisation-wide knowledge-sharing and find out what will work best for your people.
4. Don’t point the finger
Failure and frustration are all-important parts of the process. People need to be able to share what’s not working, not worry about recrimination. Without the crutch of control frameworks, checklists, and risk mitigation, you need to start from a place of trust – trust in your teams to act responsibly and share their failures. It will be fruitful in the long run.
5. Perfection is not end goal
DevOps will bring major improvements in process, quality, and speed, and these are the results you’re looking for (not perfection). Having a ‘good enough’ approach means people can get improvements out quickly, see how they work, and iterate issues away based on feedback.
6. Build towards a best-case scenario
Involve experienced, senior people from the beginning who can support your transformation. This might mean hiring in – so budget for what you’ll need to make it work. Don’t underestimate when it comes to people power; having the right people in place will make all the difference in convincing others of the benefits.
7. Set common goals and reward accordingly
People thrive when they know what they’re striving for. Make sure your objectives are centred around business outcomes – measurable results that help gauge success and enable your people to see the consequences of their efforts. This will encourage teams more than target-setting (especially if those targets conflict with another team’s).