How is security as code put into practice?
To implement security as code, you can begin by carefully assessing and mapping out how changes to the infrastructure and code are made, and then identifying places where you can add automated security tests and checks. Checks should be coded into the infrastructure at vulnerable points throughout the development lifecycle.
Here are six key security as code capabilities that you must incorporate into your pipeline:
1. Automate scans and security testing: Adding automated security analysis (such as static analysis, dynamic analysis, and penetration testing) within your pipeline will ensure the required steps are completed each time code is pushed and remove human involvement from the equation.
2. Build strong feedback loops: It is critical to get scan results into the hands of those who can do the remediation. By sharing relevant results with developers while they are still iterating on their code, they can receive clear and actionable feedback on issues that might cause security problems later on.
3. Continuously evaluate: You should be able to evaluate security policies for any application, at any stage and environment, by building relevant checks and gates into the process.
4. Standardise: Define and create standardised security patterns to boost their reusability across multiple projects. Building standardised security templates will result in out of the box security, which can be replicated across multiple teams and applications.
5. Test and remediate security and compliance in staging: Test new code in staging first to ensure rigorous security ahead of production deployment. Security testing should be automatically triggered on every code commit for both application and infrastructure changes.
6. Continuously monitor: Continuous monitoring should automatically flag anything that doesn’t adhere to organisation-specific standards as a violation, within a unified dashboard.