What does CI/CD success look like?
Understanding what successful continuous delivery and continuous deployment looks like is key if you want to deliver quality products to customers, maximise value, and remain competitive.

Set your CI/CD strategy for guaranteed success
There isn't just one way to do CI/CD, but ensuring you are delivering value and quality products to your customers, means making sure your pipeline is working at its best.
Implementing CI/CD can address some key business challenges, and from a leadership perspective, there are a number of benefits it can bring including reliability of the development process.
Whilst it’s important to consider the challenges CI/CD should help you fix, it’s equally important to know what it looks like once you’ve fixed them. This eBook gives a handy run-through of what it looks like when CI/CD is working at its best, and how you can measure this success.
Key takeaways:
- Discover what CI/CD can bring to your organisation
- Understand the main business challenges CI/CD solves
- Get an overview of what successful CI/CD looks like
- Learn how to measure your strategy’s success