Prijeđi na glavni sadržaj


Želite li saznati koje su najnovije tehnološke inovacije i dobiti savjete stručnjaka u području Agile, DevOpsa, ITSM-a, Clouda, Work Managementa i brojnim drugim?
Pridružite se našem timu na nekom događanju koje se održava u vašoj blizini i razgovarajte s vodećim stručnjacima, saznajte nešto novo od njih, povežite se s kolegama i upoznajte naše poslovne tehnološke partnere kako biste se bolje upoznali s vodećim softverskim rješenjima.

Team 24 Europe Banner Image - 8-10 October in Barcelona

Team 24 Europe

Mark your calendars! Meet us in the vibrant city of Barcelona this October for Atlassian Team '24 Europe.
Španjolska | 8. listopada 2024.
Elevate 2024 London

Elevate 2024

See The Adaptavist Group at Elevate 2024 in London 11-12 September! As a proud sponsor and exhibitor, we invite you to connect with our experts.
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo | 11. rujna 2024.
Elevate 2024 NYC

Elevate 2024 in NYC

See The Adaptavist Group at Elevate 2024 as a proud sponsor and exhibitor, explore innovative tools, and enhance your project management practices.
Sjedinjene Američke Države | 24. rujna 2024.
Elevate 2024 London

Elevate 2024

See The Adaptavist Group at Elevate 2024 in London 11-12 September! As a proud sponsor and exhibitor, we invite you to connect with our experts.
Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo | 11. rujna 2024.
Elevate 2024 NYC

Elevate 2024 in NYC

See The Adaptavist Group at Elevate 2024 as a proud sponsor and exhibitor, explore innovative tools, and enhance your project management practices.
Sjedinjene Američke Države | 24. rujna 2024.
10th Ship IT Conference

Ship IT Conference

See the latest trends in Maritime Digital Transformation & Cyber Security? Adaptavist is excited to be sponsor at the Ship IT Conference.
Grčka | 24. rujna 2024.
Team 24 Europe Banner Image - 8-10 October in Barcelona

Team 24 Europe

Mark your calendars! Meet us in the vibrant city of Barcelona this October for Atlassian Team '24 Europe.
Španjolska | 8. listopada 2024.
Madrid Tech Show

Madrid Tech Show

We'll be at our stand, D90 at Pavilion 9 in Cloud Expo Europe - one of the exhibitions within the Madrid Tech Show.
Španjolska | 16. listopada 2024.